What my students and participants say
Wonderful accompaniment and support
Soumaya has been with me for over a decade as a friend and singing teacher.
Her wonderful calm, patient and open manner makes learning to sing an experience. Soumaya manages to pick you up from there,
where you are at the moment and supports your own pace. I always look forward to lessons with her. I can only recommend starting with her to anyone who wants to sing but doesn't really have the confidence to do so.
Cheerful, clever and incredibly versatile
Seit zwei Jahren nehme ich Gesangsunterricht bei Soumaya und die Vielfalt ihrer Methoden und die Heiterkeit beim Vermitteln und der große Blumenstrauß an Können, Erfahrung, Wissen, Experimentierfreude, Neugier, Klugheit und nicht zuletzt die Freude von Soumaya in den Gesangsstunden haben mir ermöglicht „meine Stimme“ zu finden. Danke dafür ?
Deep gratitude
Soumaya supports my soul, warms my heart, frees my mind and makes my body dance and sing... with her loving, wise and cheerful nature. So soothing!
Like a happiness factory
A friend of mine once said that Soumaya is like a happiness factory. And it's true! Whether you're going through a life crisis or about to give your next performance, Soumaya accompanies you professionally with her wonderful voice and wide-ranging knowledge. She always finds the right words. Without Soumaya, I would never have dared to go on stage. For this - and for much more - I am forever grateful to her.
Inspiring and touching
In her singing and dancing circles, Soumaya creates a unique, spiritual place where it is possible to connect with each other and with something higher. She brings an incredible amount of wisdom, experience and know-how with humor and ease. It is always fun to be there!
Super !
Thank you for your loving presence in our singing and dancing groups !!! and online singing. I can receive and enjoy lightness, confidence and serenity through you.
Thank you for that !
Simply very beneficial!
I have been taking part in Soumaya's courses for more than 10 years now, both in person and, more recently, online, and I always really enjoy recharging my batteries by singing the beautiful mantras, chants and songs and taking a soothing time-out. I have also gained the self-confidence to sing with and in front of others here (after traumatic experiences in music lessons at school).
Really great!
There is a really lovely atmosphere, you can always feel at ease. They completely took away my fear of singing in front of others.
The best support for so many years
For voice, breathing, soul
Cordial and clear and smart and always with appreciation and warmth