Fee for prana lessons & singing lessons with Soumaya Hiltmann:

A prana lesson on site or via Skype: 90,- € / 80,- € reduced

Two hours should be planned for the first appointment.

The following rates apply for singing lessons on site or via Skype:

60 minutes per individual lesson:

70,- € / 60,- € reduced

45 minutes per individual lesson:

55,- € / 45,- € reduced

30 minutes per individual lesson:

40,- € / 35,- € reduced

Monatlicher Beitrag bei bestehendem Vertrag für Gesangsstunden:

60 minutes 1 x weekly:

190,- € (60,- €/h)

60 minutes 1 x weekly with discount:

160,- € (50,- €/h)

45 minutes 1 x weekly:

140,- € (44,- € / 45 min)

45 minutes 1 x weekly with discount:

130,- €  (40,-€ / 45 min)

30 minutes 1 x weekly:

120,- € (38,-€ / 30 min )

30 minutes 1 x weekly with discount:

110,- €  (35,- € / 30 min )

Fee information for individual singing lessons and prana lessons valid from 01.01.2024

Monthly contributions valid for annual contract participants from 01.03.2024

Der monatliche Beitrag gilt für das Gesamtjahr incl. Ferienzeit.

The monthly contribution applies for the entire year including vacation time.

Please note: The 48 hour rule applies to appointment cancellations. This means that agreed appointments must be canceled up to 48 hours before the agreed appointment. Otherwise, the hour is considered given and will be billed at the agreed hourly rate. In the event of an acute illness, the 24-hour rule comes into force. This means that cancellations can be made up to 24 hours in advance. Otherwise, the hour is considered given and will be billed.

Thank you for your understanding! Kind regards, Soumaya Hiltmann