
Soumaya Hiltmann

Sängerin / Gesangsunterricht Berlin / Singkreise / Tänze des Universellen Friedens / Meditation/ zert. Pranaanwenderin

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Soumaya Hiltmann, mezzo-soprano, married, two children, grew up in Germany.

Soumaya loved to sing since her early childhood and had her first singing lessons at the conservatory at the age of 17. She studied privately classical singing, jazz, pop, soul, pantomime, theater, indian and oriental singing and trained intensively with Rafael A. Ortiz, Carol St. Clair, Farhan Sabbagh, Jan Radvic and Romeo Alavi Kia, among others.


Ein Herz erwärmendes und heilsames Wochenende außerhalb Berlins

Freitag, Samstag & Sonntag, 08.11./09.11./10.11.2024 im Gesundheithaus Hüllhorst

Singing lessons

Es erwartet Sie eine professionelle Begleitung mit der Erfahrung aus 30 Jahren Gesangs-und Lehrtätigkeit bei der Rehabilitation und Pflege Ihrer Stimme. Derzeit findet der Gesangsunterricht sowie der Singkreis in Berlin Schöneberg und online statt.


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Gesangsunterricht Berlin

Music projects

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Soumaya mit Shrutibox


Prana application according to Grandmaster Choa Kok Sui ®

" ...Every living being has a natural, unrestrained desire for health and the ability to heal itself... "

Prana application according to Choa Kok Sui is about an energetic healing method in which the immune system is stimulated to heal itself and is supported in its healing process. The "science and art of prana healing" is considered one of the oldest forms of natural healing.

more about Prana
