Saturday 30.12.2023
„Voices for Peace“
With all that is happening in the world right now, I have felt the call to come together with other artists and spread messages of love, hope and peace. To that end, I am part of the online peace concert Voices For Peacethat will take place on Saturday, December 30th at 1PM Eastern / 7PM CET.
The concert will feature 20 artists from Europe and the United States (including myself) performing songs, chants, mantras, prayers from various traditions and messages of hope and peace.
A donation of $10-$25 is suggested, but you can donate as much or as little as you like. All proceeds will go to Doctors Without Borders to help those affected by the conflicts in Gaza, Syria and Ukraine.
Visit the website voicesforpeaceconcert.comto find out more and get your ticket.
I would be honored if you would join us and spread the word to other like-minded friends.
I wish you much joy and peace in this season of light.
Soumaya Hiltmann